Saturday, September 22, 2007

Cereal? Not so sure...

We decided to see if adding some cereal to Audrey's diet would help restore her marathon sleeps since she seems to be waking up hungry in the middle of the night. She had other ideas about the cereal, however. Audrey is not a huge fan of baby oatmeal, as you can see!

Play Date with Evelyn

Audrey's friend Evelyn came over to play and we had quite an exciting time. Audrey rolled over for the first time (I think she was showing off since she has only done it 2 times since!) and the girls were very interested in each other as you can see in the pictures. They are only a few weeks apart in age so it will be fun watching them grow up together!

Football Season Begins

For many Americans, September means football. In our house, September means football TIMES TWO. Every weekend Andy gets to watch English Football (soccer) in the morning and American Football in the afternoon. For Liz, it means Andy is happy to "watch" Audrey for hours on end as they sit in front of the television getting some quality daddy/daughter time! Here is Audrey watching the Chelsea football match with daddy Saturday morning and Audrey getting into her Chicago Bears gear for the NFL game Sunday afternoon.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Our First Family "Vacation"

Though we have travelled to see family with Audrey, Labor Day weekend was our first Walker Family vacation with the three of us. We went to Blackberry Farm in Tennessee for three days and had a great time. We learned a few things about travel with Audrey:

1. Audrey is an angel baby as long as she gets her naps. When her schedule is disrupted and she does not get her 3+ naps each day, she definitely loses some of her angelic qualities.

2. There is not much to do in a one-room cottage while your infant is napping a few feet away.

3. The day after 4-month vaccinations is not the best time to take a baby on vacation.

4. Audrey's new "chattiness" makes it much harder to dine out in public as she LOVES to talk...loudly. (I cannot imagine where she gets that?)

We also learned that travel is more fun in most ways with Audrey. She loved the new scenery, riding in her golf cart with the wind in her hair (or lack thereof), meeting new admirers and her first horse and carriage ride (see the picture below of her mobile diaper change in the carriage). We had a wonderful time and will be even more prepared next time we travel. Live and learn!

Some Serious Grandparent Time

In the last month, Audrey has been with one grandparent or another for all but about 5 days. Since our new nanny doesn't start until October, Nana Roxane was here for 2 weeks watching Audrey. Now Granny Jenn is here for the month to do the same. In between, we had a visit from Grandpa Lloyd as well so Audrey is using her charms on the grandparents for sure! The best thing about having our moms here on a daily basis (besides the first-class childcare) is that they get to see Audrey in all of her daily routines and get to be on their own with her for whole days at a time. There are so many cute and funny things she does that nobody gets to see unless they are with her all day. My personal favorite is when you go into her room when she wakes up and she is wrapped up like a mummy in her "miracle blanket" in her crib. As soon as she sees your face, she breaks into the biggest grin and starts laughing. As you unwrap her from her swaddle, she stretches and does a cute little waking up routine every time. I will get it on video this weekend and post it so you can all see post-nap Audrey in action.

Her new favorite activity appears to be Pilates. She lays on her back and lifts her head and legs up in a way that would give me six-pack abs if I did it as much as she does. She also loves to stand with some support from whoever will help her. She even tries to take steps and I fear that she may skip crawling altogether and move straight to walking...she is going to be a handful when she can move!

Here are some pictures from the last month: