Sunday, February 12, 2012

Snow in Surrey

It has been snowing in Surrey. We have had several days of snow and much of it has stayed, which is unusual for southern England. It is absolutely beautiful and we have enjoyed sledding and going for wintery walks. However, I am now done with the snow and would like it to leave so we can return to the 50-degree weather we enjoyed in January!

Weekend in Paris

Last weekend we took the train to Paris with Audrey. It was freezing cold (it snowed) but we had a ball. Here are some pictures of our adventure!

Reunited (and it feels so good)

Last year when we were in the UK for 3 months, Audrey fell in love. With a horse. His name is Dusty and he lives about 30 minutes from our house. The past year did nothing to diminish her obsession with horses so we paid a visit to Dusty again a few weeks ago. True love.

City Mouse, Country Mouse

We have traded our city existence for life in the country. The move went well and we have settled into our new home, new jobs and new school. Here are some pictures of our new home in the village of Shere.