Saturday, January 5, 2008

Apologetic Catch-Up Blog

Since I last posted, we have had many exciting events in the Walker house. Audrey's first Thanksgiving, her first disco, first Christmas, New Year and some big milestones in her development. She has learned to clap, "dance", play piano (or at least look like she is playing in pictures), crawl, stand up, say ba-by, mama and dada (with no idea that they are words, I fear). She and Rudy have become the best of friends for two reasons: 1) Audrey has learned to feed him from her highchair and 2) She has learned that "petting" is different than "pulling Rudy's hair out". I think they will have a temporary estrangement soon, however, as she is learning to crawl pretty quickly so he is not safe from her "love" for long!

Here are some pictures of the last two months (I will post Christmas in the next posting):

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